Turnkey Launch Programs

Turnkey Launch Programs

Millions of dollars are spent on developing and launching new products each year, but 85% fail after two years, according to Nielsen. Reasons can range from the product itself, to a flawed launch sell-in and execution.

TPG leverages its heritage in Category Leadership and Retailer Operations to guide brands in developing successful retailer sell-in and execution launch plans which result in product acceptance and shopper trial and repeat to hit ACV targets.

What We Do

TPG Partners are practitioners – meaning, we have launched products as brand, innovation, and shopper marketing leaders. We have made new product acceptance/decline decisions as retailer operators, and have led successful launch executions as sales and broker leaders. Assembling a cross-functional team, we work with you to craft a category-growth and MVS positioning story, blueprint the shopper orchestration motivators and touchpoints to inform launch tactics, and identify customer partnerships to drive 360 launch acceleration.

Once the toolkit is in place, we don’t stop there. We then work across marketing and sales to ensure a flawless execution with customer and marketplace intelligence, customer prioritization, sales training, and scorecarding to get it in market, hit ACV targets, and in position for the media plan to kick into high gear.

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