Distributors, Operators and Manufacturers alike are seeking to combine their existing successful approaches with industry best practices to more effectively drive key business results and leverage the power of tried and proven programs. Whether it’s a Category Management approach to creating business plans, to collaborative corporate-to-corporate joint business planning, TPG’s long and successful history of assisting clients to deliver results is second to none.
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How We Help Clients

TPG helps companies innovate, transform and grow
[rquotebox image=”/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/head-with-gears.jpg” link=”/consumer-products-consulting/consumer-products-strategy/contact-us/” desclink=”Learn more about our impact” byline=” Sr Director of CM – Foodservice Distributor”]
TPG’s expertise allowed us to effective train our people and build breakthrough category plans.[/rquotebox]
TPG Advantage
TPG provides unparalleled industry expertise and experience. Our proprietary analytics and methodology produces winning strategies and delivering excellence. Our passionate team is committed to:
- Formulating Category Management approach to creating business plans
- Accelerating collaborative corporate to corporate joint business planning
- TPG’s long and successful history of assisting clients to deliver results is second to none