- January 4, 2012
- Posted by: tpgstaging
- Category: reports

Price: Complementary
The Enhanced Line Review- A Guide to Managing Categories in the Aftermarket was developed by The Partnering Group working with the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) Enhanced Line Review Workgroup and was sponsored by AAIA.
The purpose of this guidebook is to provide the automotive aftermarket with:
– A “how-to” manual for implementing a modified version of Category Management called “Enhanced Line Review” (ELR). The ELR concept was developed to capitalize on the existing line review familiar to most industry companies and enhance it with additional data, work processes and information. This manual includes a methodology, specific definitions, work processes and an illustrative case study.
– Sufficient detail and insights to allow a company to evaluate the potential adoption of Category Management practices in the form of ELR as a means to improve both its competitiveness in the marketplace and its business results.
Guidebook Objectives
The Guidebook will enable the practitioner to:
– Better understand the current state of Category Management in the automotive aftermarket and the potential benefits of adopting Enhanced Line Review process as a way of managing the business;
– Understand the ELR “best practices” processes;
– Develop a Category Business Plan. Based on use of the Guidebook, the practitioner will specify the actions to capture the significant benefits from using the new ELR process and the new market information available to the industry.
– Apply ELR principles primarily to categories “in front of the counter.” While the principles and approaches can also be re-applied to hard parts categories, there is less consumer information from suppliers available and generally less brand awareness. The major opportunities within hard parts are in product supply. A separate AAIA sponsored project directed at hard part opportunities is underway in 2002.
How to Use the Guidebook
The guidebook is structured so that the practitioner can follow and learn the ELR process from beginning to end, or got to a particular section to gain insight and suggestions related to that subject Read Full Report.
To get maximum benefit from use of the Guidebook, the following approach is recommended:
1. First, review/read this Guidebook – Level 1, to gain a basic understanding of the process.
2. Second, attend one of the AAIA-sponsored ELR Seminars that will train the practitioner and other channel members on how to do ELR.
3. Third, select a category and develop a category business plan following the guidebook at Level 1 or Level 2 depending on the data available and the practitioner’s resource availability.
To obtain a copy of the full report or learn more, contact The Partnering Group email at generalinfo@tpg-mail.com.