Client Description
Large, category leading U.S.CPG company within a global, multi-business unit corporation.
While this client had achieved success in short to mid term innovations and renovations, they realized that significant improvements in current capabilities would be required to achieve their long term vision.
To create a CPG industry leading innovation capability. Key areas to address in the design included:
1) Enhanced linkages with and utilization of the global R&D function.
2) Improved resource allocation and prioritization.
3) Upgraded idea sourcing and concept development capabilities.
4) Fuller and longer term innovation pipeline.
TPG Approach
Based upon industry leading innovation experience and utilizing our proprietary assessment, design and implementation model, TPG designed and installed a best practice, multi-functional innovation / renovation capability. Our outputs included:
1) Design and implementation of a multi-functional long term, innovation team.
2) Clarification of brand innovation / renovation roles and responsibilities.
3) Development of internal and external idea sourcing processes to broaden capture of potential concepts.
4) Creation of a cross-portfolio prioritization, resource allocation and decision making approach to improve ROI and speed to market.
5) Installation of a best in class Project Management capability.
1) Significant improvements in R&D utilization.
2) Idea sourcing programs leading to significant increase in usable concepts.
3) Improved role clarity and project management enabling faster speed to market.
4) Expansion of Innovation / Renovation pipeline to 5+ years out.